Summer Camp Year 2

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This is week 2 of summer camp in year 2.  What does this mean?  Remember my post about my fear of summer camp and the anxiety I passed on to my son last year?  (Read that post here).  Well this is my son’s 2nd year and it’s been great!  Well, almost! He hasn’t cried once and he’s had a good time on the day trips.  But in the first week, he said that a girl told him and his friend about how she was naked in the pool with a boy kissing and how she made him promise her that he would marry her.  My son is 7 so why is a first/second grader talking about this?! So I asked him about this girl, what’s her name, how old is she, who did she kiss, is the boy in your school, was it during a trip, followed by trying to explain this to him.  I asked what he and his friend said, and the response was probably more age appropriate, he said his friend told the young girl that he was going to sabotage their wedding by throwing poop on them! Are you cracking up, oh my jeez, kids!

He claims that this young girl was supposed to be a fifth grader that stayed back to 1st grade, I did not believe him.  This is not funny, how is it even possible, can a kid stay back that long?  I asked him to show me who she was the next day and to my shock, she really did look like a 5th grader that stayed back to the 1st grade because she was HUGGEEE as in older looking, not chubby, and she was sitting at the 1st grade table.  I don’t get it!!!!  As you know parenting doesn’t come with a manual so I wasn’t sure how to address this and I’m sure many of you will disagree with me, but I just told him to avoid any conversations about topics like the one she shared and to always tell me and ask me anything.  No new stories so far, but let’s see how the rest of the week goes.


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