Women’s Day, More Than Once a Year Please!

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We women are the backbone of our families, we know it, we live it and we do it without question. We get so tied up managing our households, careers, marriage, children and juggling kids sports, activities, play dates, parties etc., (the list can go on and on and on) that we many times, leave little time for ourselves.  We continuously push ourselves past our physical limits and end up tired, grouchy, angry or hurt.  We tell each other to take time for ourselves but speaking it and doing it are two different things. Some of us are lucky to have a support system that helps us with the gazillion things we juggle.  Mothers, sisters, friends, in-laws, cousins, neighbors, brothers, husbands, etc. Thank you Lord for our support system because without them, I think the asylums would have waiting lists.
After a busy start to the year, I was able to finally have some ME time, when my sister in law planned a woman’s get together for International Women’s Day. I quickly phoned the hubby to make sure he’d be off of work that day so that I could join in on the event.  The event was 2 hours and during that time, my mom/wife switch was turned off, and the woman/friend switch turned on.  We had a great night with delicious snacks (pigs in a blanket, a heavenly dip sauce, a fruit tray, spinach hors d’oeuvres, cheese and crackers, empanadas) and yummy drinks (Sangria and Kinky liqueur Vodka, the name alone cracked us up).  After some wonderful conversation, my sister in law who is a Medium, led a short prayer, had us light small candles and state our intentions/wishes and then we each pulled a card from her Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards (Doreen Virtue anyone?).  All of us felt the cards we pulled for ourselves hit home for us.  A message directly meant for us.  I pulled the card for Goddess Ixchel, the Mayan Mood Goddess and how fitting with my Mayan Heritage.


The cards meaning from Doreen Virtue’s guide read:

“Commanding power is not the same as demanding it. Demanding comes from a childlike place akin to a tantrum, based upon the fear that it might be withheld. Commanding comes from the sure and steady knowledge that you are part of the Great Spirit’s grace and wisdom. You are a lightening rod that can conduct the power. Simply connect to the power through unyielding clarity of your thought processes. Don’t wave for a moment in your sure and steady decision to be a conduit of the power that already resides within you. Connect to the even bigger source, and allow it to amplify your natural power. In this way, you are a steady connector of the Infinite, from the Infinite, to the Infinite. In other words, it’s all Spirit: around you, through you, and to whomever you are healing”.

Below is a pic of the second page of guide:Image

 How Awesome is that! It’s empowering, and whichever way you look at it, the message is powerful.  Read between the lines, and it hits home.  Command a room’s attention, don’t demand it.  Be in tune with your inner healing power that I believe all women have, from the depths of our love to the infinite giving we do day in and day out.
This was such a wonderful experience, moving and freeing.  Women holding hands in a circle, feeling each others positive vibrations, all wishing the others desires will come true.  As women, we should find the time, make the time, even force the time to do this every so often so that we can regenerate.  As much as we do for everyone else, let us never forget to feed our souls.

One thought on “Women’s Day, More Than Once a Year Please!

    Alexandra said:
    March 11, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    Thank you for your words expressed exactly what this event was trying to accomplish.All women need time to unite and express who they truly are .


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